Corporate Governance

At Perfect Medical, we are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, which are pivotal in maintaining both the investors’ confidence and the integrity of the company. The Board of Directors recognises that a well-defined corporate governance is essential in protecting the interest of Shareholders, customers, and employees, as well as sustaining a healthy level of accountability, transparency and integrity.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, the independent strategic body of Perfect Medical, are to maintain the balance within an organisation and it comprises 8 members, 4 executive Directors and 4 independent non-executive Directors. Each Director has in-depth knowledge and experience. The Group’s corporate governance structure is underpinned by mutual supervision to balance the interest of the Group and Shareholders.

The Board of Directors complies with the guideline of “Listing Rules” by appointing at least three independent non-executive Directors, at least one of them has professional qualifications or accounting or related financial management expertise. The Company considers all independent non-executive Directors to be independent.

See complete list of the Board of Directors

Audit Committee

An Audit Committee was established and its role and responsibility will be reviewed from time to time, upholding the guideline in the Corporate Governance Code. The primary duties of the Audit Committee are to review the financial information of the Group, oversee the financial reporting process and risk management and internal control procedures of the Group, and oversee the relationship with the Company’s external auditor.

Audit Committee:
1) Ms. Hsu Wai Man, Helen (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Chairman)
2) Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Independent Non-Executive Director)
3) Ms. Cho Yi Ping (Independent Non-Executive Director)
4) Mr. Chuk Sai Cheong, Simon (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Roles and responsibilities

Remuneration Committee

A Remuneration Committee was established and its role and responsibility will be reviewed from time to time. The primary duties of the Remuneration Committee are to make recommendations to the Board on the Company’s policy and structure for all Directors’ and senior management remuneration, make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of non-executive Directors and the remuneration packages of individual executive Directors and senior management. Upon reaching agreement, the Remuneration Committee will consult the Directors/CEO, and take the skillset, knowledge, time-spent and job duties into consideration.

Remuneration Committee:
1) Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Chairman)
2) Dr. Au-Yeung Kong (Executive Director)
3) Ms. Au-Yeung Wai (Executive Director)
4) Mr. So Hin Lung (Executive Director)
5) Ms. Hsu Wai Man, Helen (Independent Non-Executive Director)
6) Ms. Cho Yi Ping (Independent Non-Executive Director)
7) Mr. Chuk Sai Cheong, Simon (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Roles and responsibilities

Nomination Committee

A Nomination Committee was established and its role and responsibility will be reviewed from time to time. The primary duties of the Nomination Committee are to review the Board’s structure, size, and composition; make recommendations to the Board on the appointment of Directors and management of the Board succession; assess the independence of independent non-executive Directors; and to make recommendations to the re-election of Directors.

Nomination Committee:
1) Ms. Cho Yi Ping (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Chairman)
2) Dr. Au-Yeung Kong (Executive Director)
3) Ms. Au-Yeung Wai (Executive Director)
4) Mr. So Hin Lung (Executive Director)
5) Ms. Hsu Wai Man, Helen (Independent Non-Executive Director)
6) Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Independent Non-Executive Director)
7) Mr. Chuk Sai Cheong, Simon (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Roles and responsibilities

Hong Kong No.1 Doctor-Founded Multi-national Healthcare and Medical Beauty Group

Founded by Doctor

Continuously Annual Dividend Growth

Constituent Stock of the MSCI Hong Kong Micro Cap Index