Frequently Asked Questions by Investors

Frequently Asked Questions by Investors

When was Perfect Medical established?

Perfect Medical was founded in 2003 by a practicing doctor.

What is the nature of business of Perfect Medical?

The Group strives for improvement and growth, and we are dedicated to providing all-round services to our customers. We first started out as a slimming and beauty company, and now we mainly provide medical beauty and healthcare services. Our global business footprints have expanded from Hong Kong, China and Macau to Australia and Singapore.

When is Perfect Medical’s fiscal year?

Our fiscal year starts from 1 April to 31 March of the following year.

When will Perfect Medical announce its financial results?

We announce the interim financial results in November and annual financial results in June.

On which stock exchange is Perfect Medical’s shares traded and what is the stock code?

Perfect Medical’s shares are traded on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, stock code is 1830.

When did Perfect Medical first start trading and what is the Initial Public Offering (IPO) price?

Perfect Medical began trading on 10 February 2012, IPO at HK$0.88 per share.

What is Perfect Medical’s public float?

According to our data, the Company’s public float is more than 25% of the company’s total issued shares.

Does Perfect Medical's shares pay dividends?

Under normal circumstances, the Company plans to pay dividends twice a year. Please refer to the “Dividend History” section of our website to know more.

What is Perfect Medical’s dividends policy?

At Perfect Medical, we hope to strike a balance between consolidating business and sharing the profits with Shareholders. For details of our crediting interest rate, please refer to the “Dividend History” section of our website.

About Whistleblowing Policy

Hong Kong No.1 Doctor-Founded Multi-national Healthcare and Medical Beauty Group

Founded by Doctor

Continuously Annual Dividend Growth

Constituent Stock of the MSCI Hong Kong Micro Cap Index